Field Rules

Please see field rules below:

Click here: Morgan Hill Outdoor Sports Complex

Click here: Kirigin Cellars

Live Oak High School:

Entrance through gates by Staff parking. You can park right next to the field in that parking lot. The goals are locked up, please secure the goals, once placed on the field, with stakes, so the goals can't fall over. First team to set up goals and flags, last team put away goals and flags and lock the goals up. Restrooms are located by the track field, they are flush toilets. If no custodian is present to unlock gates or restrooms, please call or text OV fields coordinator.

Sobrato High School:

Goals for both 9v9 and 11v11 are locked up at the fence, goals have OV Stickers on them. Please secure the goals with the stakes. First team on field to set up goals and flags, last team to put away goals and flags and lock goals up. The restrooms are located on the track field, white trailer, they are flush toilets. If gates to field are locked or toilets are locked and no custodian present, please call or text OV fields coordinator.